Roadside Assistance Clinton

24 Hour Roadside Assistance Services!

Over the years, we’ve helped thousands of motorists who have called us because they were experiencing trouble with their vehicles. Whether the issue was a car breakdown, a motor vehicle collision tow, or they simply needed one of the roadside assistance services we provide, Metropolitan Towing has always been happy to assist. This experience with the various makes and models of cars, trucks, SUVs, and motorcycles has helped us to be considered the premier towing and roadside company in the Clinton, Maryland, area. At Metropolitan Towing, we sincerely care about you and your vehicle. And depending on the type of towing service or roadside assistance help you need, we can usually have you taken care of within 30-45 minutes. Call on us for all your towing and roadside assistance needs.

24 Hour Roadside Assistance Services!

Over the years we’ve helped thousands of motorists who have called us because they were experiencing trouble with their vehicles. Whether the issue was a car breakdown, a motor vehicle collision or they simply needed one of the roadside assistance services we provide, Metropolitan Towing has always been happy to assist. This experience with the various makes and models of cars, trucks, SUVs, and motorcycles has helped us to be considered the premier towing and roadside company in the Clinton, Maryland area. At Metropolitan Towing, we sincerely care about you and your vehicle when you have car problems. And, depending on the type of towing service or roadside assistance help you need, we can usually have you taken care of within 30-45 minutes. Call on us for all your towing and roadside assistance needs.

Roadside Assistance Clinton Maryland

Jump Start Service


If you’ve experienced a winter in Maryland, then you know that the extremes of cold can do a number on your car’s battery. But, did you know that having a dead car battery may be a warning sign that you may need a battery replacement soon? If your car won’t start we can help. We can provide a jump start for your car’s battery, or tow your car to a repair shop.


Roadside Assistance Clinton Maryland

Gas Delivery


If you have teenagers who borrow the car on occasion, you’ve probably hopped in your car a time or two and noticed that the gas gauge was on E, or close to being out of gas. In situations like these, you could simply try to make it to the nearest gas station, but why risk running out of gas while driving? Contact Metropolitan Towing for gas delivery service.


Roadside Assistance Clinton Maryland

Lockout Service


Have you ever accidentally locked your keys inside your car? If so, you understand how frustrating it can be. But, the last thing you want to do is attempt to retrieve your car keys yourself. Why risk damaging the interior upholstery and exterior paint by using a clothes hanger – when Metropolitan Towing can quickly retrieve your keys without causing any damage?


Roadside Assistance Clinton Maryland

Flat Tire Change


Having a flat tire is not only inconvenient, but attempting to change your own car tire can be a trying experience. Finding the spare and the tire-changing tools isn’t fun, and neither is destroying a new pair of pants. Why change your own tire when Metropolitan Towing is right around the corner? One call, and we’ll be on our way to provide a flat tire change service.


Roadside Assistance Clinton Maryland

Fast Response Times


If you’ve ever had to make a late-night call to your insurance company’s roadside assistance provider, then you’ve probably experienced an extremely long wait time. Rather than calling and waiting for your insurance company to help, call Metropolitan Towing for fast response times. We’ll provide the service and a paid receipt you can submit for reimbursement.


Roadside Assistance Clinton Maryland

24 Hour Solutions


Many towing companies in the Clinton, Maryland area shut down their phones in the early evening, but not us.  We understand that car breakdowns occur regardless of the time. So, if you’re involved in a car accident, have a breakdown on the shoulder of the road, or you simply need someone to unlock your car, Metropolitan Towing is always available.


We have successfully provided more than


jump starts, tire changes, lockouts, & gas deliveries

Solving Your Roadside Emergencies

Towing Service Clinton Maryland

Yes, even people who drive newer vehicles can experience car breakdown issues out on the roads. Your car trouble may come in the form of running over an obstacle in the road and getting a flat tire, a mechanical malfunction that requires a tow to a repair shop, or having your car die while driving because the tank is empty, and now you need a couple of gallons of gas delivered to your location. Whatever your emergency roadside situation, you can rest assured that Metropolitan Towing has tow truck operators available to provide the solution you need. Our team truly cares about you and your vehicle. Whether you’re a first-time customer or a frequent flyer customer, we promise to provide reliable roadside solutions to whatever obstacles the world puts in your way. Contact us for fast and affordable towing and roadside solutions.

What To Do When Your Car Breaks Down

Stay Calm


Roadside Assistance Clinton Maryland

A vehicle breakdown can be a trying experience that may be exacerbated by becoming frustrated. You’re without transportation and most likely in an area you may not be familiar with and, depending on the weather conditions you may even have to deal with the potential for hypothermia. But, rather than allowing the experience to break you down mentally, we suggest that you concentrate on staying calm and looking for a solution to your problem.

Move Over


Roadside Assistance Clinton Maryland

Once you realize that there’s something wrong with your car, your first action should be to get your car to the shoulder of the road as quickly as possible. If at all possible, the safest course of action would be to maneuver your vehicle into a parking lot or an exit ramp off of the highway. If instead, you choose to stop on the road in the way of other vehicles, you are putting yourself and other motorists at risk of being involved in an accident.

Alert Others


Roadside Assistance Clinton Maryland

If you’re unable to exit the road entirely and are therefore on the shoulder of the road, the next thing you should do is to alert others that your vehicle is not operating properly by turning on your hazard lights and placing orange safety triangles behind your vehicle. A word of caution though, exit your vehicle on the passenger side and always keep your eyes on oncoming traffic. While alerting others to the fact that you’re roadside is good, not all drivers are attentive.



Roadside Assistance Clinton Maryland

Lastly, if you’ve made the determination that your vehicle needs mechanical attention or you don’t feel comfortable changing your own tire, now is the time to pick up your smartphone and call for a towing company, specifically Metropolitan Towing. When you call us, one of our experienced tow truck operators will be dispatched to your location. So, to expedite service to your location please provide our dispatcher with accurate location information.

Time To Call For A Tow Truck

We get it, nobody likes to have to call for a tow truck. There’s the unexpected expenditure and the fact that having your car breakdown is highly inconvenient, but did you know that choosing not to call for a tow truck can be more costly and potentially dangerous? Let’s say that you’re driving along and a dash light indicates that your car is overheating. To avoid the expense of a tow, there’s a cohort of motorists who will attempt to limp their vehicle to a repair shop. But making this decision can cause your engine to overheat and could potentially lead to blowing your engine, costing you much more money and time as a result.

Rather than rolling the dice when you have a car breakdown contact Metropolitan Towing for all your towing service and roadside assistance needs.

Time To Call For A Tow Truck

We get it, nobody likes to have to call for a tow truck. There’s the unexpected expenditure and the fact that having your car breakdown is highly inconvenient, but did you know that choosing not to call for a tow truck can be more costly and potentially dangerous? Let’s say that you’re driving along and a dash light indicates that your car is overheating. To avoid the expense of a tow, there’s a cohort of motorists who will attempt to limp their vehicle to a repair shop. But making this decision can cause your engine to overheat and could potentially lead to blowing your engine, costing you much more money and time as a result.

Rather than rolling the dice when you have a car breakdown contact Metropolitan Towing for all your towing service and roadside assistance needs.

Roadside Assistance Clinton Maryland